Visionary leadership is desperately needed January 29, 2023 by Belinda EganIn 2023, my goal is to shake up the landscape of leadership. Frankly, I aim to be disruptive – but for a good reason. For too long, we’ve functioned as leaders that do things “the way it’s always been done”. We’ve had our sights on the wrong stuff. We’ve aimed for the wrong goals. We’ve failed our teams and our organizations. But we come by it honestly, because we’ve just been following the pack. Doing things “the way it’s always been done”. And our organizations let us continue that way because that’s how they’ve always done things. It needs to end. We’re failing at leadership, which has the real-world effect of failing the people we’re leading. Let’s start fresh in 2023. Together, we can change the world of leadership by being great examples of people who have their priorities, emotions, responsibilities, and hope in clear view. No more blurry-eyed wandering through your career. Today, you’re getting a check-up on your vision. Courageous leaders are visionary. Let’s dive into what that really means. Visionary leadership is desperately needed Whether you were chosen to be a leader because of your experience or because you stood out against the rest by demonstrating skills that benefit a leader, it’s likely that you were given your list of priorities and told to manage them. Along the way, though, you discover that things aren’t as easy as delegating and assisting. During team meetings, you learn of all the real-time problems your team is dealing with – and you want to help, but you’re afraid of rocking the boat. You hesitantly bring up a few of these issues to your boss, and they’re brushed aside. You’re told that the budget can’t handle bringing in outside help, or the project simply needs to move forward regardless, or the worst one: “We’ve always managed despite that issue. Make it work.” A status quo leader takes their marching orders and leaves. Puts more pressure on the team to finish the job despite the issues. Keeps their head down and “powers through” in order to keep their job. A visionary leader looks harder for a solution. A visionary leader is open-minded to many possibilities, even new and strange ones. A visionary leader looks for fresh perspectives and new talents. A visionary leader tries things a different way when problems keep cropping up. A visionary leader sees opportunity where others see disaster. A visionary leader isn’t afraid of doing things differently, maybe even in a way that’s been “poo-pooed” by their superiors. If any of this sounds a bit pie-in-the-sky to you, that’s because you’re not thinking like a visionary. The bottom line? If you’re more worried about covering your ass and staying under the radar than helping your team solve ongoing problems, you’re not helping them. But there’s hope for you. Tap into your visionary potential The first step is to tap into your vision for your future as a leader. Outside of office politics, budget constraints, and the priorities of the people above you, what do you want to accomplish as a leader? What kind of impression do you want to make on your team? What changes would you like to help make for your teams and your organization? When you leave your position, what would you like people to say about you? Think BIG about these things. Don’t be constrained by what others might think of you, or what your boss might say or do, or what you’ve done in the past. But don’t stop at that. Visionary leaders aren’t dreamers; they’re doers. Spend time today thinking about the leader you want to be, and how you can practically start heading in that direction. Remain open-minded, but rational. Look for open doors. Ask questions. Think BIG. Developing a strong vision for your leadership is life-changing I know you’ve thought about your overall impact as a leader. You find your thoughts returning to the ways you’ve dropped the ball, or felt too weak to step up, or failed in some other way. Mistakes are part of learning, and they’re vital to growth. But when you have a strong vision of your leadership trajectory, you can embrace these mistakes and be gentle with yourself and others along the way. Leadership in 2023 is a different game than in the past. Stay on top of trends and the ever-shifting world of leadership by joining the Leader’s Edge mailing list right here: Join The Leader’s Edge Mailing List